Samira Lekhal

Founder and general manager

In GreeNudge, Samira Lekhal works to promote health and sustainability. She has expertise in health, psychology, and nudging / behavioral economics.

Samira established GreeNudge in 2016 and the company’s vision is to increased health and sustainability for all through collaboration across disciplines, industry and decision makers.

She works with how the design of grocery stores and canteens can influence consumers to choose healthier and more sustainable. Samira also gives a number of lectures and courses.

GreeNudge and Samira are the initiators and leaders of Re-start and SunnereBarn

Samira has studied medicine and psychology, specialist in internal medicine with phd in prevention of obesity and lifestyle diseases. She is among the country’s foremost experts on obesity and lifestyle diseases in Norway. She is also researcher and senior physician at The Department of Hormon, Obesity and Nutrition, Vestfold Hospital Trust.


Scientific publications:

Efficiency of In-Store Interventions to Impact Customers to Purchase Healthier Food and Beverage Products in Real-Life Grocery Stores: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis – PubMed (

Mat- og måltidspraksisen i et utvalg Norske barnehager – en deskriptiv studie | NTFE

Laparoscopic gastric bypass versus lifestyle intervention for adolescents with morbid obesity – PubMed (

Slapø H, Schjøll A, Strømgren B, Sandaker I, Lekhal S. Efficiency of In-Store Interventions to Impact Customers to Purchase Healthier Food and Beverage Products in Real-Life Grocery Stores: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Foods. 2021

Lekhal S, Slapø H. Dagligvarebutikken som arena for bedre folkehelse. Norsk Tidskrift for Ernæring. 2020

Benestad B, Júlíusson BP, Siegfried W, Lekhal S, Småstuen MC, Hertel JK, Agosti F, Marazzi N, Hjelmesæth J, Sartorio A. Cardiometabolic risk factors differ among adolescents with obesity in three European countries. Acta Paediatrica. 2019

Benestad B, Júlíusson BP, Siegfried W, Lekhal S, Småstuen MC, Hertel JK, Fiorenza A, Marazzi N, Hjelmesæth S, Sartorio A. Health-related quality of life after camp-based family obesity treatment – an RCT. BMJ Paediatrics. 2019

Lekhal S, Slapø H, Schjøll A, Bugge A, Karevold KI. Atferdsøkonomiske virkemidler i helsefremmende arbeid: hvordan kan utforming av restauranter og kantiner fremme sunnere valg? Norsk Tidsskrift for Ernæring. 2019

Júlíusson PB, Roelants M, Benestad B, Lekhal S, Danielsen Y, Hjelmesaeth J, Hertel JK. Severe obesity is a limitation for the use of body mass index standard deviation scores in children and adolescents. Acta Paediatr. 2018

Barstad LH, Júlíusson PB, Johnson LK, Hertel JK, Lekhal S, Hjelmesæth J. Gender-related differences in cardimetabolic risk factors and lifestyle behviours in treatment-seeking adolescents with severe obesity. BMC Pediatr. 2018

Karevold KI, Lekhal S, Slapø H. Hvordan påvirke forbruker til å velge sunnere mat? Endringer i omgivelsene kan fremme sunnere valg. Norsk tidsskrift for Ernæring. 2017

Lekhal S. Barn med alvorlig fedme – utredning, behandling og oppfølging. Norsk Tidsskrift for ernæring. 2017

Benestad B, Lekhal S, Småstuen M, Hertel J, Halsteinli V, Ødegård R, Hjelmesæth J. Camp-based family treatment of childhood obesity – randomized controlled trial. Arch Dis Child 2016

Larsen MA, Goll R, Lekhal S, Moen OS, Florholmen J. Delayed clearance of triglyceride – rich lipoproteins in young, healthy obese subjects. Clinial Obes. 2015

Lekhal S, Børvik T, Brodin E, Nordøy A, Hansen JB. Tissue factor-induced thrombin generation in the fasting and postprandial state among elderly survivors of myocardial infarction. Thrombosis Research. 2010

Lekhal S, Børvik T, Nordøy A, Hansen JB. Increased postprandial triglyceride-rich lipoprotein levels in elderly survivors of myocardial infarction. Lipids. 2008

Lekhal S, Børvik T, Nordøy A, Hansen JB. Decreased lipoprotein lipase activity and increased postprandial concentrations of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins in offspring of elderly survivors of myocardial infarction. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2008